X-Ray Analyzers for Synchrotrons

To Exceed Expections

Designs and produces highly specialized X-Ray Analyzers for large-scale instruments that are synchrotrons. The market for these mirrors is highly specialized and used in many branches of science such as biology, chemistry, physics, electronics, environmental science, materials engineering and medicine.

The specificity of the synchrotron is to emit, under the effect of the acceleration of electrons, radiation mainly composed of X-rays. These X-rays irradiate the samples to be studied, before being scattered by mirrors of spherical crystals that focus the rays on the detectors used to record the data. This allows researchers to obtain a perfect characterization of materials and their properties. The result is considerable progress in many industries, including aeronautics, automotive and medicine, etc.
MATRIXS Analyser of SOLEIL Synchrotron GALAXIE Beamline 4 blocks of 10 Si(220) Spherically Bent Crystal Analyzer (SBCA) supplied by Saint-Gobain Cristaux & Detecteurs in France. (Total 40 Si(220) Spherically Bent Analysers)
Von Hamos spectrometer with 16 Von Hamos Analyzers (8 Si(111) 110x30 mm² R=500 mm + 8 Si(220) 110x30 mm² R=500 mm) supplied by Saint-Gobain Cristaux & Detecteurs in France.
Pictured above are MATRIXS Analyser installed at SOLEIL Synchrotron GALAXIE Beamline with 40 each Si(220) Spherically Bent Crystal Analyzer (left) and Von Hamos spectrometer with 16 Analyzers = 8 Si(111) + 8 Si(220) both 110x30 mm² R=500 mm (right)
We have acquired a solid reputation in this market, thanks to the very high quality of its products, the diversity of its crystals (based on silicon or germanium) and the extreme delicacy of its finishing operations, including polishing. As you can imagine, mirrors for synchrotrons must meet demanding specifications. The manufacturing process is very complex and meticulous. The silicon ingots are cut into thin disks (from 0.14 to 0.18mm), which are then bent and deformed to fit the spherical glass support of the mirror. The final stage of polishing the discs is extremely precise, done by hand by a highly qualified team.

Quality Analyzers for Synchrotrons

There are currently thirteen synchrotron projects under construction or renovation! We are doing its part by supplying high-quality X-Ray Analyzers. 

Excellent Resolution as characterized at SOLEIL Synchrotron

Measurements done by J.P. Rueff, J.M. Ablett – GALAXIES JJ X-Ray Von Hamos Spectrometer (images courtesy of Synchrotron SOLEIL, FRANCE)

Elastic peak of Strip bent Si(220) compared to Uniform Spherical Si(220) Contribution to resolution by stripped bent analyzer 250 meV
Excellent Resolution as characterized at SOLEIL SynchrotronMeasurements done by J.P. Rueff, J.M. Ablett – GALAXIES JJ X-Ray Von Hamos Spectrometer (images courtesy of Synchrotron SOLEIL, FRANCE)Elastic peak of Strip bent Si(220) (green) compared to Uniform Spherical Si(220) (blue)
Excellent Resolution as characterized at SOLEIL SynchrotronMeasurements done by J.P. Rueff, J.M. Ablett – GALAXIES JJ X-Ray Von Hamos Spectrometer (images courtesy of Synchrotron SOLEIL, FRANCE)Contribution to resolution by stripped bent analyzer 250 meV
Strip bent = green | Uniform Spherical = blue