Extended Life Plastic™ detector enables radiation portal monitor (RPM) systems to operate with high uptime, low probability of escapes and affordable cost.
Plastic deployed outdoors such as in portal monitors are exposed to humid summers and cold winters, which can cause the plastic to fog. This is evidenced by a pulse height loss of about 2% per year.
Encapsulated plastic detector remedies this situation while maintaining constant low-energy performance. We have incorporated a revolutionary barrier film along with the standard wrapping to provide an effective seal against vapor penetration.
Prolonged testing in hot, humid conditions followed by a cold temperature soak shows that detectors packaged with the barrier film do not suffer the degradation seen in detectors with only standard wrapping.
Extended Life Plastic keeps your portal functioning at the coldest temperatures.
- PVT Scintillator wrapped in reflector
- Scintillator encapsulated against moisture intrusion with our barrier wrap
- Outer surface wrapped in light sealing black vinyl
- Photomultiplier tube (PMT) sealed to the scintillator as part of moisture barrier encapsulation

In preparing a portal monitor panel for field use, the photo-sensor is an integral part of the moisture barrier encapsulation.
Our team of engineers will be happy to work with your staff to develop the optimum solution.
- Two-year warranty for workmanship
- Five-year warranty for no fogging of the PVT plastic scintillator
- Warranty applies for exposure to a temperature range of -30°C to +55°C