Scintillation Resource Selector
This tool is designed to narrow down the available resources through a series of application details. By using the filters the many documents on this website and the products offered will be reduced to the most obvious.
This should be used as a guide as there are many aspects to consider when choosing a scintillator and product packaging. The final selection for your specific application should be discussed with your sales representative.
Fully integrated solutions designed to be a plug-and-play replacement of He-3 tubes
Glass scintillators are most commonly used for neutron detection since the glasses are often enriched in Lithium-6.
Neutron detection products that are specifically formulated for the efficient detection of neutrons in the presence of gamma radiation.
Plastic scintillating, wavelength-shifting and light-transmitting fiber canes, spools, ribbons and arrays are produced for research and industry.
BC-408, BC-412 and BC-416 are plastic scintillators with the highest light output. These are also economical for use in large areas.
BC-400 and BC-404 plastic scintillators are largely used as thin sheets for alpha & beta detection. BC-404 can also be used in fast-counting applications.