Scintillation Resource Selector

This tool is designed to narrow down the available resources through a series of application details. By using the filters the many documents on this website and the products offered will be reduced to the most obvious.

This should be used as a guide as there are many aspects to consider when choosing a scintillator and product packaging.  The final selection for your specific application should be discussed with your sales representative.


CsI(Tl) scintillator has a light output of 54 photons/keV and is one of the brightest scintillators known.  It has most of its emission in the long-wavelength part of the spectrum (>500nm), it is well-suited for photodiode readout.

Data Sheets

BGO scintillation material data sheet

PDF | 229.64 KB

BGO (Bi4Ge3O12) is a high Z, high-density scintillation material. Due to the high atomic number of bismuth (83) and the material's high density of 7.13 g/cm3, BGO is a very efficient gamma-ray absorber. Given the high Z value of the material, the photo fraction for gamma-ray absorption is high and as a result, very good peak-to-total ratios are observed.

Data Sheets

Efficiency Calculations for Selected Scintillators

PDF | 1.36 MB

An assortment of materials for an optical interface, wrapping and reflector materials are available for assembling your own detector.


Neutron detection products that are specifically formulated for the efficient detection of neutrons in the presence of gamma radiation.


Light guides and wavelength shifters provide useful modes of light collection to convey scintillation photons to the readout device
